Bangs Ambulance Workers United
General Membership Meetings:
We follow Robert's Rules of Order.
Quick reference sheets are provided at the meetings and can be found (here).
All Bangs Employees that are eligible under the NLRB and who sign a CSEA card may vote at the meetings- and all Bangs Employees may address the general body during announcements and community microphone periods. Guests and visitors who wish to speak to the general body should let the Chair know at the beginining of the meeting.
We ask that everyone follow these Rules:
1. Be on Time.
2, Raise your Hand, Wait your turn to Speak.
3. Silence your phones and mobile devices.
4. Follow the Robert's Rules of Order and Our Meeting Process.
5. No participation while under the influence of Alcohol or illict Drugs.
6. No Profanity or unnecessary shouting.
7. No Violence or Threats of Violence towards anyone.
8. Clean up after yourself.
If you are a member of the General Public or Press and you would like to attend our meetings, Please reach out to us at: