Uniting providers, empowering care

We are BAWU: 

EMS providers who proudly serve Ithaca and Tompkins County. As EMTs, Paramedics, and individuals, we strive to provide empathetic, high-quality care in the pre-hospital setting. 

We are forming a labor union to become better providers.

Better Standards

Transparency - the foundation for any successful relationship between an employee and an employer. We fight for clear wages, open meetings, and accountability. We push for open communication and full transparency between staff and management.

Just Culture -  A fair environment where discipline is consistent, and lessons learned are shared. We fight for fairness, ensuring discipline is applied equally. We use lessons learned to build stronger, better providers for the public.

Better Compensation

Pay -  Despite handling the highest number of 911 calls in the county, our EMTs and paramedics remain some of the lowest paid. We advocate for competitive wages that reflect our work and the rising cost of living.

Health Insurance - Currently, we must work 48 hours a week to qualify for health insurance, which isn't adequate for our providers and their families. We are committed to working together to secure better, more equitable coverage options for everyone.

Better Care

Modernization -Our practice must align with current EMS standards, including up-to-date equipment and training. We should always have the resources necessary to perform our jobs effectively.

Change: EMS covers the entire healthcare system, and it's time we address issues impacting us all. By speaking with a united voice, we can drive the necessary changes through collective bargaining.

Why Unionize?

We’re unionizing at Bangs Ambulance because we have not been provided safe working conditions nor equitable compensation to do the job we love. Bangs Ambulance needs to be held accountable for its stated values of care, empathy, and excellence - these values need to apply to patient and provider.

A union means all workers get a say in the policies and procedures that affect the safety, efficiency, and compensation of all employees. Together, we will build a job that is safe, enjoyable, and livable. 

BAWU believes in the power of united workers: solidarity in numbers, democracy, and mutual respect. With the union, we are uniting providers and empowering care.

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